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Innovative health foods made using chlorella

31 Jan 2019 | Allmicroalgae

At HiE at the end of last year in Frankfurt, Margarida Eustáquio from Allmicroalgae spoke with NutritionInsight about using chlorella as an ingredient and also presented some of their new concepts and health foods made with chlorella. Eustáquio says: “Chlorella powder can be used as food powder or as a supplement. We have been busy developing these food products with high nutritional values and added health claims, such as high fiber and high protein.” All the concepts are vegan, can be eaten on-the-go, for people who are looking for an after sports snack bar, for example. “Chlorella can also be used as a food coloring, but the health and detoxifying benefits can improve the immune system and it is also a good source of vitamin B12, which some vegans lack,” she says.

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