Alvinesa Natural Ingredients
Alvinesa Natural Ingredients
Ctra. Valdepeñas Km. 4,850 Pol. Ind. El Campillo
+34 926 26 06 70
Alvinesa Natural Ingredients

At Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, we know how to extract the best of nature from grapes and olives. Our production process begins with the use of by-products from the wine and olive oil industries. We avoid any food destruction, extending food life cycle and turning by-products into new value-added ingredients with great health benefits.  

Alvinesa is pure circular economy, being a proud member of the Upcycled Food Association.

We are fully committed to the environment: 95% of the energy needed to run our factory is self-produced from renewable sources from our own biomass and our photovoltaic plant, and we rely on 100% water reuse and purification.

Alvinesa was established in Spain in 1993 on the foundation of a family-run company in the alcohol distilling and wine sector, which started trading in 1948.

At Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, we are dedicated to providing high-quality natural ingredients with a deep commitment to sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

Products / Markets

Alvinesa upcycles raw material left from wine and olive oil production to create natural ingredients. Our portfolio includes a wide selection of:

• Natural Antioxidants:

  • Grape extract rich in polyphenols
  • Olive extracts (hydroxytyrosol)

• Natural Color from grapes (anthocyanins)

• Natural Flavor (wine concentrates)

• Natural Tartaric Acid from grapes

• Grape Seed Oil

Alvinesa’s core business lies in “Zero Waste,” using 100% of the raw material. We do not destroy food to make ingredients!


• Supplements:

  • Vintera Grape Extract:  General health, Beauty (anti-aging), Sport recovery, Cardiovascular (blood pressure) and Cognitive.
  •  Hytolive: Cardiovascular (prevents LDL ox), Glucose Management, Joint Health, Beauty (anti-aging).

• Sport Nutrition: Health benefits

• Food & Beverages: Health Benefits

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