14 Apr 2021 --- Eyesight is commonly viewed as one of the most valuable human senses, and therefore among the most important categories for preventative care.
Inevitably, the aging process contributes to vision defects, which often impact independence and quality of life.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating poor ocular health, suffered by those working and studying for long hours in front of computer screens.
Digital stress, the kind that affects the eyes, is something felt by different demographics, but younger people are more adept in preventive measures.
“With younger generations focusing on prevention more than their parents did at the same age, there is now more of a focus on keeping eyes healthy for longer, rather than trying to treat problems once they arise,” says Andie Long, marketing and sales manager at AstaReal.
Rising to the fore is how nutrition and nutraceuticals can support healthy ocular care. Xanthophyll carotenoids, such as astaxanthin, capsanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, are especially recognized for their ability to provide powerful ocular nutrition.
Meanwhile, maqui berries are in the spotlight for addressing dry and fatigued eyes symptoms caused by high screen time and environmental factors.
In this Special Report, NutritionInsight investigates the latest eye health ingredient trends with Anklam Extrakt, AstaReal, OmniActive Health Technologies and Unibar.
Research reveals “the impressive potential” of maqui berries in protecting eyes from dry eye-related symptoms, says Gruber.Address the cause, not just the symptoms
As the COVID-19 pandemic has increased worldwide digital device use, consumers’ eyesight continues to worsen without sufficient ocular care.
“Even before 2020, an estimated eight in ten European Millennials experienced digital device-related eye fatigue, with the average worker spending more than 45 hours in front of a computer screen every week,” says Long.
When it comes to eye care products, Christina Gruber, marketing manager at Anklam Extrakt, flags the importance of, not just treating symptoms, but rather addressing underlying causes.
“Regarding dry eye-related symptoms, commonly known artificial tears just moisten the eyes and do not support the eye to produce a healthy tear layer in the future and maintain it.”
Maqui berries versus ROS
Besides computer monitors, dry eye symptoms can originate from environmental factors, such as smoking and air pollution. “Unfavorable” ambient conditions also play a role, adds Gruber, listing central heating, air-conditioning or decreased pressure in airplanes.
A key aspect to dry eye symptoms is the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), thus oxidative cell stress.
“ROS can lead to an imbalance between antioxidants and oxidants in favor of oxidants, which results in an increased tear film osmolarity and inflammatory reactions of the ocular surface,” Gruber explains.
To restore and maintain a healthy balance, free radical scavengers are needed, Gruber continues.
Maqui berries exhibit a phytochemical profile that makes them “the richest identified natural source” of delphinidins – the anthocyanidin group that possesses the most effective free radical scavenging activity in comparison to other anthocyanidins.
“In this context, maqui berries are attracting more and more attention.”
Improving eyesight targets brain health too
Natural astaxanthin is one of few nutrients that can cross the blood-retina barrier in humans, making it “an excellent ingredient for eye health supplements,” says Long from AstaReal.
Astaxanthin also provides brands with a focus on helping consumers support concentration and fight fatigue with the opportunity to connect eye health and brain health.
“Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with natural AstaReal astaxanthin contributes to better concentration, memory and mental agility,” Long details.
“Against this backdrop, it stands to reason that the growing number of e-athletes could also benefit from astaxanthin. Computer strategy gamers not only need excellent vision for fast reactions, but also a high degree of mental clarity.”
“Only a few nutrients can cross the blood-retina barrier in humans, and natural astaxanthin is one of them,” says AstaReal’s Long.Staples: Lutein and zeaxanthin
Further linking eye and brain health are nutrients like lutein and the zeaxanthin isomers, which originally found their footing among the older demographics. However, their role has evolved to meet the modern needs of younger demographics.
“With regard to the latter, we believe there is an important story around the conditional essentiality of the macular carotenoids,” says Akhil Bajaj, category manager of OmniActive Health Technologies’ vision, cognition and mental wellness division.
Particularly babies and children depend on lutein and zeaxanthin for proper eye and brain development. “In fact, of all the carotenoids accumulated and measured in the infant brain, lutein is the most abundant,” notes Bajaj.
Zeaxanthin is also present and more abundant than beta-carotene and lycopene. “It is important to note that these carotenoids are concentrated in areas of active learning and development. As such, these regions of the brain are susceptible to oxidative stress and damage.”
The carotenoid capsanthin has been identified as a potent source of ocular nutrition.The “discovery” of capsanthin
Sevanti Mehta, president of Unibar, agrees lutein and zeaxanthin have been leading sources of eye health support over the last five to ten years.
“But now, with the discovery of capsanthin as a more comprehensive source of ocular nutrition, there is so much more potential to help eye health,” he adds.
Mehta views capsanthin as the first natural ingredient to help manage intraocular pressure, “another vital component for long-term eye health.”
Mehta shared his insights with NutritionInsight early in the global COVID-19 outbreak. Capsanthin can help reduce intraocular pressure via oral administration, which saves consumers the high costs of eye drop solutions.
BCX in the making
Another relative newcomer to the eye health scene, beta-cryptoxanthin (BCX) has shown its potential to sustain visual health and well-being in preliminary research findings.
A common carotenoid found in fruit, BCX plays roles in antioxidant defense and cell-to-cell communication. “More importantly, BCX is best known as a precursor to vitamin A,” says Bajaj.
Notably, vitamin A is an essential nutrient necessary for eyesight, growth, development and immune response. Foods rich in BCX include tangerines, persimmons and oranges.
The challenge of working with a new active ingredient is two-pronged, according to Bajaj. To make BCX just as much a staple name in eye health as omega 3s and vitamins, more consumer awareness and investments in science are needed.
“Ophthalmologists have also begun to recommend eye health supplements more regularly,” says Mehta.“On the other hand, it is required to find the rich source of BCX and then develop an efficient and scalable process for purification,” Bajaj adds.
Booming market potential for reactive care
The eye is a very complex organ, Gruber from Anklam Extrakt summarizes, where eye health encompasses various aspects.
Despite the increasing focus on preventative eye care, this doesn’t make reactive care unimportant, as highlighted by Unibar’s president Mehta. Supplementation for eye health has therefore seen increased interest for both proactive and reactive reasons.
“Experiencing eye fatigue or an optometrist check-up revealing increased intraocular pressure are great opportunities for the consumer to take appropriate measures via supplementation before the visual complications become worse,” Mehta explains.
“Ophthalmologists have also begun to recommend eye health supplements more regularly, driving an additional boost to the market, which is expected to reach US$2.4 billion globally by 2026,” he adds.
Nevertheless, Unibar finds the most value in preventative care. Mehta concludes: “If consumers allow vision health to deteriorate too far, there is potential that damage cannot be rectified via supplementation alone.”
By Anni Schleicher